Artist Registry
The Latino Art Museum Artist Registry is dedicated to forming an archive of information on Latin American artists and Latin American descendent artist that is accessible to collectors, students and public in general with an interest in Latin American art. The Registry is open to the public during hours of operation.The Registry also facilitates LAM in the selection of work for the permanent collection and for inclusion in group and solo exhibitions.
All Latin American Artists or Latin American descendent living in the United States are invited to submit:
slides, photographs or CD's
resume with current address, country of origen, phone number, email, web page.
art statement
articles from newspapers, reviews, invitations, brochures, catalogues or other material.
Call our Registry Department for more information:
(909) 620-6009 Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday 3pm-6pm
(909) 484-2618 24 hours 7 days a week
All materials submitted become the property of the Latino Art Museum. The contents of the Artist's Registry are subject to the discretion of Latino Art Museum staff, which reserves the right to duplicate or dispose of inappropriate materials.
Artist Registry
Exhibiting Artist Membership
The Latino Art Museum welcomes exhibiting artists to become members from all geographic areas.
A jury process is required to become an artist member.
The Latino Art Museum is a non-profit organization 501 © 3 founded in 2001.
The Latino Art Museum is seriously dedicated to the purposes of community cultural education, audience
development and promotion of individual artists.
Artist Membership entitles you to submit work to Latino Art Museum shows (juried and non-juried);
to have juried award work featured on the Latino Art Museum website; to be juried for the Latino
Art Museum; to become eligible for a Featured Artist Show or Museum Store; to receive the Newsletter and
all show mailings; to participate in all classes and workshops at a discount.
Annual Membership Fee: $25 Checks Payable to: Latino Art Museum or Credit Card
Card Type: Visa ______MC ______ Discover ______ AE _______
Card No. ____________________________________________ Expires: ______/ ______
Name on Card: _____________________________________________________________
___________________________ ARTIST MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ___________________
NAME: ______________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ FAX: _____________________________
CITY: _______________________ZIP CODE: __________E-MAIL: _______________________________
Would you like us to publish your e-mail address on our Web site? Yes _____ No ____
Web Site Name: www. ______________________________________________________________
To have a sample of your work posted on our Web site: www.lamoa.net, e-mail a jpeg to
latinoartmuseum0@gmail.com or send a 4x6 print via U.S. mail to:
281 S. Thomas St. Suite 105 Underground, Pomona, CA 91766
Check all that apply: Visual Artist (painter, sculptor, photographer, etc) Medium: ________________________
Musician – Instrument (s): __________________________________________________
Dancer: __________________________________________________________________
Actor/Entertainer __________________________________________________________
Writer/Poet: ______________________________________________________________
Photographer: _____________________________________________________________
Other: ___________________________________________________________________
Please provide a brief description of your work: Note: this description will be used on our Web Site:
281 S. Thomas St. Suite 105 Underground – Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 620-6009 Wed - Thursday - Friday - Saturday 3pm-6pm
(909) 484-2618 24 hours - 7 days a week